Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitter – Shift Cycle

Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitting – Shift Cycle Aurivo Dairy Ingredients Ballaghaderreen RoscommonFull time: PermanentAurivo Co-op is a large multi-purpose Co-operative engaged in a wide range of activities including dairy processing, liquid milk distribution, animal feed milling, retail stores, e-commerce, garden centres, livestock marketing and sports nutrition. In Aurivo our values define how we operate, employing over 600 people directly and providing employment for many others in wide range of activities including transport & distribution.  OpportunityReporting to the Maintenance Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining a wide range of mechanical process equipment and optimizing plant performance. The role also features monitoring of plant services and maintaining equipment and process records according to plant systems.Key Responsibilities·       Integrate as part of the Maintenance team to deliver support for operations.·       Ensure all duties and assigned work is carried out keeping safety, quality and output to the fore. ·       Deliver with the other maintenance team members a reliability centred maintenance function with best practices including preventative maintenance.·       Work within the maintenance team to ensure a proactive approach to maintenance ·       Maintain accurate maintenance data and close out assigned work using the CMMS·       Timely and effective trouble shooting of day to day equipment and system issues·       Shift cycle 4 week – days, evening, nights The ideal candidate will have·       A FAS Mechanical Apprenticeship with Junior and Senior trade qualification or equivalent with at least 3 years post qualification experience in a high- volume process manufacturing environment·       Ability to apply engineering principles in a practical application·       Experience working with electric and pneumatic control.·       Excellent interpersonal and communication skills·       A strong will to will with excellent time management skills and attention to detail. ·       Ability to work proactively in a team environment.·       Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills·       Good IT skills – Experience of CMMS highly desirable·       Experience in a manufacturing environment highly desirableApplication Process The company reserves the right to select a shortlist from the applications receivedPlease forward updated CV to Aurivo Careers 

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