Meagher's Pharmacy Group Support Pharmacist - Dublin

Meagher's Pharmacy Group Support Relief Pharmacist Part time or full time positions available with alternate Weekends This exciting support pharmacist role would suit a pharmacist looking for part time or full time hours working within a consistent and experienced team within a positive, supportive environment. The ideal candidate will have minimum 6 months previous experience in a Support Pharmacist role, will be positive and friendly, with a can-do attitude, a strong leader and always willing to put the customer at the forefront of everything you do. In return our Support Pharmacist will receive a competitive salary and benefits package and join an award-winning team.Some benefits include but are not limited to:Competitive salaryGenerous employee discounts and benefitsService Leave BenefitFull Company and individual store social eventsAccess to company Health & Wellbeing programmePension SchemeNo late nights, 7pm closingFree on street parkingBike to Work Scheme & TaxSaver Commuter Tickets SchemeTraining and coaching from our excellent support team.Continual learning and development opportunitiesQualifications, Experience & Skills RequiredA minimum of 6 months post-registration experience and a current registered Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of IrelandExperience of community Pharmacy in the Republic of Ireland to include in dept knowledge of schemes, PSI legal requirements and HSE requirements.Experienced user of MPS Dispensing SoftwareA strong sense of community and willing to further how the Pharmacist engages with their customers and patients in a friendly professional and confidential manner.Excellent attention to detail and an excellent communicator.A positive outlook with a friendly and approachable nature.Highly organised with a proven ability to work on multiple tasks accurately in a pressurised environment.Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team.Flexible and willing to engage fully with all elements of the operation of the Pharmacy.Good communication and interpersonal skills are essential.Duties include but are not limited to:To observe the statutory regulations relating to the supply of medicinal products as per the pharmacy Act 2007 and to ensure operating within any changes of registration and PSI practice guidance.To ensure that the highest standards of care and service is delivered as part of the Meaghers Pharmacy TeamTo adhere to company dispensing standard operating procedures and ensure maintenance of the appropriate records and hygiene within the pharmacy as per the Pharmacy Act 2008 and ensure correct storage and monitoring of dated products.To ensure that any issues of a Health and Safety nature are brought to the attention of the Superintendent Pharmacist and Area Manager immediately.Ensure that the proper procedure for the various Department of Health Schemes are carried out and that they are kept up to date and end of month claim is submitted correctly.Supporting any change to improve the business along with store manager and senior managers.Provide support to other stakeholders within the pharmacy group to ensure the delivery of company goals.Participate in staff training programmes.Assist with education & training sessions for the Pharmacy team. For further information on the role or to apply directly please contact

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