Maximo Analyst

The Role:Based at our clients GMP Manufacturing facility in Harwell, UK, this position will be the CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) Administrator to support calibration, maintenance activities and documentation (originals, manuals, work instructions/drawings, calibration certificates etc). This position will be responsible for the day to day operation of the CMMS and documentation for the Site.  Here’s What You’ll Do:·       Responsible for the day to day operation of the CMMS System for a GxP facility·       Maintain upkeep of CMMS asset information, SOPs and work records for the Site·       Act as in-house expert on the CMMS and provide training to personnel on asset management and equipment release·       Establish and maintain calibration, maintenance, and validation schedules, events, and work records for all GxP process systems and equipment·       Support creation of assets within the CMMS·       Maintain status of assets in the CMMS concurrently with GxP operations·       Support purchasing and cost controls related to maintenance expenses·       Execution of all workflows within the scope of Facilities/Engineering/Validation (FEV) groups ·       Triage of change/work requests for on-demand activities or updates to the CMMS·       Provide oversight of reports used to investigate aging work records·       Support generation of site KPIs and metrics reports·       Assist in the processing of calibration/maintenance certificates for Metrology/Maintenance groups·       Support multiple projects in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines·       Other duties in support of compliant execution of calibration and maintenance activities as directed Here’s What You’ll Bring to the Table:·       High school degree, or equivalent required·       Trade school, undergraduate education, or equivalent preferred·       2 – 4 years of applicable GxP experience preferred·       Experience with CMMS required·       Experience with Maximo Asset Manager preferred·       Strong Microsoft Excel skills·       Proficient in Microsoft Office and Adobe suites·       Ability to read, understand, and follow SOPs and P&IDs·       Strong oral and written communication skills·       Excellent attention to detail and organization·       Strong desire to learn·       Ability to adapt to a dynamic, fast-paced environment·       Ability to maintain professionalism in day to day interactions·       Experience with collaborating with a diverse group of customers. 

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