Marketing Manager

Our client, a leading provider of educational technology and solutions, is looking to recruit an experienced Marketing Manager to support their growing business.Duties and responsibilities The role of the Marketing Manager will be responsibility for building a Marketing Strategy in line with the strategic objectives of the business. Working closely with the Chief Revenue Officer, they will oversee the implementation, creation, and execution of marketing campaigns across a variety of projects. Specific duties include the following: •     Build and execute the marketing strategy aligned with business objectives.•     Responsibility for marketing budget and allocation and management of budget.•     Responsibility for Marketing Assistant role including management of KPIs.•     Planning and delivery of traditional and digital campaigns, driving lead generation through all marketing campaigns and channels.•     Working with vendors such as Apple, MicrosoM, Google and Lego to maximise support of activities conducted by the Company and develop joint go to market campaigns.•     Planning and executing events such as field trips, roadshows and education conferences.•     Responsibility for our digital footprint – website, social media, blogs etc, ensuring that our digital media strategy is aligned with our overall business strategy.•     Deliver key ROI insights back to the business from campaigns and eventsJob Requirements:Working in a fast paced, dynamic environment the successful candidate should possess the following skills: •     A degree in Marketing or similar qualification is an advantage.•     7+ years’ experience in a Marketing role, preferably in the technology or education sector.•     The successful candidate should have a proven track record of success in a marketing role.•     Excellent communication skills and be able to communicate recommendations effectively to stakeholders at all levels.•     Accomplished in social media advertising platforms.•     Expertise in graphic design desirable but not essential.•     Critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential.•     Strong written and verbal skills with great attention to detail essential.•     Self-motivated with demonstrated ability to take initiative.•     Excellence in the English Language – written and spoken.•     Proficient user of the MicrosoM Office suite, particularly Word, Excel, Teams and Dynamics. Benefits:•     Work from home flexibility•     On-site parking•     Company events•     Employee discounts•     Wellness programme•     Flexitime

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