Marketing Manager

We are looking for an experienced Marketing Manager to join our team. In this capacity, you will play a pivotal role in developing and overseeing our Marketing strategy, planning and programme delivery across our business. You will lead on the creation and execution of the go-to-market plan and working closely with internal & external teams to plan, coordinate & evaluate activity.As a Senior Marketing Manager, you will have extensive experience working in the B2B industry. We want someone hardworking, self-motivated with strong attention to detail and a team player. Role Responsibilities:Develop and execute all integrated marketing plans and activities across the various Wisetek business units.Assist in creating engaging product/service-related content on owned, earned and paid channels.Responsible for Website management, conversion tracking, and content optimisation.Develop and execute long and short-term marketing strategies to promote our multiple businesses, increasing target market penetration, enhancing overall revenues and customer retention programmes.Utilise strong analytic ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience across multiple channels and customer touchpoints.Manage and optimise the marketing automation tools we currently deploy.Measure and report performance of all integrated marketing campaigns and assess goals (ROI and KPI’s).Agency management of all public relations, awards and press media opportunitiesManage all marketing budgets and track all spend on a monthly basis.Key Requirements:4/5 years’ B2B Marketing Manager experience.Degree or Masters in Digital Marketing or a related discipline.Experience in working with Content Management Systems (ideally WordPress).Essential experience working with Marketing Automation Platform (Hubspot, Marketo, Pardot).Proven Experience and track record of leading digital and inbound digital marketing strategies, managing SEO/SEM, Marketing Automation tools, focused campaigns, etc.Highly creative with experience in devising digital marketing campaigns that engage and motivate.Experience working with Salesforce desirable.Experience in setting up and optimising Google Adwords campaigns.Solid knowledge of website analytics tools (Google Analytics).Up to date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing and measurement.Individual Characteristics: Passionate about marketing and brand building.Demonstrates a sense of urgency and knows when to act.Organises their own work and that of others, taking responsibility for the quality of all deliverables.Has a flexible approach and adapts to challenges and changing priorities as needed.Strong team player and collaborates easily with others, willing to help and learn from others and shares relevant information with the team.Wisetek Solutions Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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