Marketing Executive

Marketing ExecutiveNeville Hotels are excited to announce the opening of The Ravenport Resort in the well-known area of Curracloe in Wexford, overlooking the famous Curracloe beach. The hotel boasts 50 bedrooms and suites, together with bar and restaurant, swimming pool and spa. 22 holiday lodges will complete the resort, which will be nestled amongst the 18-hole golf course.We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Marketing Executive for Neville Hotels, to implement marketing strategies that drive brand awareness, engage customers, and generate leads. The role will be Wexford based, and ideal candidate will have a passion for marketing, a creative mindset, and the ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. The role will involve the following:Social media:Support business objectives through the strategic creation and delivery of content across all key social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc.Ensure all social media content and copy adheres to brand image and tone / language.Measurement of social media reach, activity effectiveness, and ROI on advertising. Print Collateral:Assist in the development and creation of new hotel printed and digital collateral all revenue streams.Database management:Assist in the management of all databases and ensure full application and compliance with GDPR legislation.Manage and execute all email marketing campaigns utilising branded ezine systems, and measurement of ROI on all campaigns.Work with all industry third party organisations, to maximise marketing opportunities e.g. Failte Ireland/ Tourism Ireland /OTA’s etc.Manage internal data collection tools and assist hotel teams to maximise database growth and ensure compliance with GDPR legislation  Hotel websites:Maintenance of the hotel website content and booking engine. working closely with the Revenue and Marketing Manager to maximise ROI on promotions and special offers.Sales Activities:Work closely with the sales team in delivering the sales plan for the hotel. The candidate:1 years’ experience in a marketing role within the hospitality sector.Experience in working with content management systems and digital agencies.Strong command of the English language both written and spoken.Knowledge of high-end luxury hotel market is desirable.Excellent skills in Microsoft Word & Excel.Highly organised, strong team player and ability to work in fast-paced environment.Positive attitude.Outstanding attention to detail and strong communication skills are essentialVisual / Graphic / Designs skillsExperience/Knowledge of Canva In return, we offer excellent employee benefits including:Hotel B&B Discounts across the group.20% Discount on Bar & Restaurant Food in a sister property.10% Discount on Food for family occasions (groups of 20 or more)20% Discount on Spa Products.Comp Golf Available on Druids Heath to all Neville Hotel Team Members.Promotion of bike to work scheme and other commuting to work incentives.Meals during shifts and free onsite tea/coffeeProvision of employee uniformsOnsite Healthy Snacks.Wellbeing initiativesOpportunities for Career Progression.Employee RecognitionEmployee Referral BonusEducation & Training AssistanceAccess to Company Mentorship Programme.If a Team Member books an overnight stay in any Neville Hotel, the company will provide the 2nd night free for any booking of two nights or more T+C Applies

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