Marketing Executive

Marketing ExecutiveABP UK (part of ABP Food Group) is a food business that specialises in the supply and development of award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.Reporting to our Marketing Controller, we’re looking for a creative storyteller to join the Marketing team to help produce a range of marketing materials across a range of projects including our People, Commercial and Agricultural strategies. This is an exciting new role based full time (40 hours) in our Birmingham office, supporting our HR and Marketing colleagues across all 5 divisions of the ABP Food Group. Some travel maybe required to other sites.What do we offer?Life assurance schemePension scheme (3% ER contribution)Free parkingCycle to work scheme hire a bike and accessories, saving on tax and national insuranceWe encourage continuous learning and provide opportunities for you to develop your career Colleague forums, employee recognition schemes and length of service awardsWellbeing support, including access to our Employee Assistance ProgrammeCoaching, training and support if you have the right interpersonal skills we’ll help with the rest!The role involves:With a focus on our People strategy role, you will be the ‘go to’ for Marketing support to bring our People Strategy to life across all 5 pillarsCreate presentations that tell the story of our People strategy to our 11,000 colleaguesDeliver innovative Marketing solutions using the full mix of collateralProduce video content from filming to editing for internal briefings and social mediaCreate social media content that showcases our business to existing and potential future colleagues to help position the ABP Food Group as employer of choiceDeliver briefing documents for our leadership teams from outlining the strategy to reporting back performanceAdvise on and produce graphic design collateral across all divisions and pillars as requiredSafeguarding the brand standards of ABP Food Group, each Division and Our Way and ensure each work seamlessly togetherSupport learning & development colleagues in producing programme collateral to be rolled out across the businessPromote our Apprenticeship, IP & Graduate programmes under guidance of the relevant stakeholdersWhat are we looking for?Able to maintain a high level of attention to detail and accuracyProfessional and confident to interface and support colleagues at all levels including senior directors and their management teamsConfident at producing and proofing confidential / high importance documentationExcellent written and spoken communication skillsEffective time management and prioritisation would be a huge asset in a fast-paced environmentPersonable and approachable in a very open door / open plan office of professionals Ability to use Microsoft Office 365 with emphasis on Powerpoint and Adobe Creative Suite especially Premier Pro to a good standardPassion for continuous improvement and efficiencies in Marketing processes Previous experience or an interest in internal communications would be advantageous but not critical Previous experience of photography & videography advantageous but not essentialOther companies may call this role Marketing Specialist, Marketing Coordinator, Marketing Assistant

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