Marketing Executive

We are currently looking for a Marketing Executive to join our growing team. This is an ideal role for someone with extensive experience in social media, marketing campaigns and advertising. In the role of Marketing Executive, you will be assisting with our social media campaigns, press releases, website content and updates, generating ads for print and digital, as well as creating accommodation packages to up-sell the extensive offerings we have in Macreddin Village. You will liaise with our Senior Management and Heads of Departments to ensure our brand name is at the forefront of innovation, email strategies and online presence. You will be on hand for behind-the-scenes photo shoots, coordination of press visits, designing stands and marketing support for trade exhibitions.We expect that the successful candidate will be knowledgeable and up to date in marketing trends and developments, be proficient in administration, demonstrate excellent communication skills both written and verbal and ensuring confidentially at all times. You should be capable of working on your own initiative and be able to work within a high performing team. This is a part-time role over 3-5 days, we provide excellent opportunities, flexible hours, competitive salary and benefits. A background in marketing/hospitality/tourism is an advantage but not necessary. If you have the buzz for the hospitality industry and think this role is for you, then we’d love to hear from you to arrange an interview…

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