Marketing Assistant

Want to Build your Career? Kilsaran are looking for a talented individual to join our Marketing team as a Marketing Assistant.This is a junior position ideally suited to recent graduates or early career candidates who have a particular interest in the application of social media in marketing. The position is based at our HQ in Dunboyne, Co. Meath.Responsibilities:Coordinate & schedule the production of a wide range of marketing communications to include:Social media campaignsCorporate website updatesEmail marketingTradeshows & EventsMerchandising & POSBrochures & AdvertisingAssist in generation of marketing content for Social Media, Website, Promotional MaterialsLiaise with internal stakeholders on various projects and manage expectationsAssist in any graphic design required in the marketing of Kilsaran productsCarry out product and promotional photography as requiredLiaise with external Marketing and Graphic Design agenciesUpdate and maintain the marketing department's documentation and databasesAd-Hoc duties as requiredSkills Required:Firm grasp of the online space and its role in driving business.Strong marketing and graphic design software skillsAbility to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment.Excellent communication, presentation, and social skills.What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:Competitive salaryAnnual BonusTwenty-one Days Annual Leave pro rataFurther Training and Education SupportEmployee Assistance ProgrammeHiring Process Upon Application:Telephone Screening2 round interview processOffer Letter to Successful candidate

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