Marketing Assistant

Shaws Department Stores now have a vacancy for a Marketing Assistant in our Support Office, located in Portlaoise town.Celebrating our 160th year, Shaws has become a trusted, much-loved brand and one of Ireland's leading department store retailers. An Irish family-owned business to this day, we enjoy a rich heritage that is steeped in tradition. Our goal is to provide quality products, unmatched service, and expert knowledge for all our customers nationwide.Job Purpose:The successful candidate will work alongside our Marketing Manager and assist in the development and execution of both traditional and digital marketing strategies and activities.Main Duties:Support business objectives through the strategic creation and delivery of content across all key social media channels while ensuring all content adheres to brand standards.Assist in the development and creation of printed collateral for display in traditional media and in our stores.Assist in the management of all databases and ensure full compliance with GDPR legislation.Manage & execute all email marketing campaigns.Work with third party organisations to maximise the company’s marketing opportunities.The Successful Candidate:Must have at least two years’ experience in a marketing role, preferably in the Retail SectorMust have experience in working on social media platforms and maximising marketing opportunities though same.Will be highly organised with the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.Will be positive and motivated.Will be an excellent communicator who enjoys working as part of a team.What's on Offer:Competitive SalaryUnlimited product discountEmployee Assistance ProgrammeGreat Working EnvironmentFlexible Working HoursRemote working 2 days per week after 6 monthsCareer Development opportunitiesOngoing Training & DevelopmentThis position is an office-based role working Monday to Friday with the opportunity to work remote (40% of working hours) after the successful completion of the probationary period.If this sounds like your next ideal career move, then we would love to hear from you.

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