Marketing and Communications Manager

Job Title: Marketing and Communications ManagerReporting to: Head of DevelopmentDuration: 3 year fixed term contract  About COPE GalwayCOPE Galway has been providing essential services in Galway for almost 60 years.  We respond to the needs of people who are homeless, women and children who experience domestic abuse, and we support older people towards healthy, active ageing.   Our mission is to make a difference by empowering people, creating change, and strengthening communities.   The OpportunityWe are looking for a talented Marketing and Communications Manager to join our team. This is a diverse and exciting role with responsibility for all marketing and communications activities within COPE Galway.  The successful candidate will lead the Marketing and Communications team with the aim to increase awareness and engagement with key audiences, ensure maximum exposure of COPE Galway’s work and impact, and increase fundraising and earned income. The ideal candidate will bring strategic leadership, strong project management, content and brand management skills, ensuring clear and consistent messaging across all channels.  The successful candidate will be expected to have at least 5 years' experience in a senior marketing, communications or digital marketing role.  Main Areas of Responsibility·        In partnership with the Head of Development, develop, execute and oversee integrated Marketing and Communications strategies, policies and plans ·        Lead, line manage and support the marketing and communications team within the wider COPE Galway Development team·        Work with the Head of Development and Senior Leadership Team to develop key messages for COPE Galway ·        Plan, lead and manage key organisational marketing and communications campaigns, events and initiatives·        Produce a content strategy and assist with content creation to support the wider marketing and communications strategy·        Collaborate with the Marketing and Communications Lead to manage and develop strategies and plans to maximise impact of media, PR and public affairs ·        Collaborate with the Digital Marketing Lead to ensure the implementation, operation, monitoring and review of the organisation’s digital strategy, including website maintenance and development·        In conjunction with the Internal Communications Executive, be responsible for ensuring appropriate plans are in place for improved internal communications with staff and volunteers.·        Support the Head of Development and Fundraising Manager with the development and implementation of a fundraising communications strategy, and work closely with fundraising and charity shop teams to support efforts to generate revenue for COPE Galway. ·        Contribute to increasing the number of supporters, increasing levels of awareness, reaching and engaging new and existing audiences in fundraising, philanthropy and volunteering.·        Act as a brand guardian for the COPE Galway brand, providing expert guidance and support to colleagues, ensuring consistency across all internal and external communications ·        Oversee the design, production and dissemination of marketing and communications collateral ·        Monitor, evaluate and report on the effectiveness of all aspects of communications and marketing, supporting decision making and continuous improvement. ·        Keep up to date on best practice within the charity sector generally and particularly changes to communications innovation, legislation and codes of practice·        Be responsible for market research among our stakeholder groupsPerson SpecificationThe ideal candidate will demonstrate the following education, experience and competencies: Education, Experience and Knowledge·        Educated to degree level or equivalent experience that demonstrates ability·        Relevant marketing and/or communications qualification·        At least five years’ experience of working in a senior marketing and/or communications role ·        Experience leading teams·        Experience of delivering successful, integrated appeals and campaigns through a range of marketing channels·        Experience of working within a not-for-profit marketing and communications environment would be a distinct advantage.Essential Skills and Competencies·        Excellent leadership skills·        Ability to devise, implement and develop long-term plans and strategies, and to think strategically and creatively regarding the long-term development of an organisation’s marketing and communications work. ·        Excellent and engaging communication and interpersonal skills.·        Strong project management and organisational skills.·        Excellent writing, storytelling and editing skills; ability to interview content subjects and produce compelling copy.·        Ability to work collaboratively across departments and service areas, and ability to develop and maintain strong and effective working relationships·        Proficient in using digital channels including social media platforms for marketing.·        Good IT skills and computer literacy.  Proficient in MS Office, including working with Teams and PowerPoint.·        Self-driven, with the ability to work both independently and collaboratively.·        Results-oriented, able to prioritise deliverables and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.·        Confidence in sharing new ideas; a strong influencer and relationship builder. ·        Able to act professionally in all aspects of work, and be a strong fit with the culture, values and ethos of COPE Galway.·        Flexible approach to work Desirable Skills•        Interest in and knowledge of using video and podcasts for storytelling.•        Proficiency in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush.•        Proficient in using the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) to create, edit, and manage content efficiently.•        Competence in designing with Photoshop, InDesign and Canva. Key terms and conditions of employment: Hours of work: 37 Salary: Manager 1A grade €50,824 - €60,510 depending on experience Annual Leave: 25 days per annum plus bank holidays Pension: 5% matched employer contribution after 6 months Nature of Contract: 3 year fixed term contract Place of work: Calbro House, Galway, with some remote working by agreement  Benefits Include:•        Training in Trauma Informed Practice•        Access to Employee Assistance Programme•        Employee benefits such as a special rate at gyms•        Pension contribution •        Income Protection Application Details•        Closing date 17 January 2025•        Email CV (max 2 pages) with cover letter (max 1 page)  

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