Management Accountant

Our client, a leading Irish agri-business, is currently seeking a talented and ambitious Management Accountant. The role will involve responsibility for all financial matters and supporting local management in driving the operational and financial performance.The successful candidate will be commercially orientated and work well within a team. Previous agri-business or manufacturing experience will be beneficial, though not a requirement.ResponsibilitiesPreparation of Weekly Accounts and KPI’s for Senior managementPreparation of Monthly Management Accounts in SAPOngoing review and reconciliation of balance sheet control accountsVariance Analysis reporting against budget and standardsLiaise directly with external auditors as part of year-end auditPreparation of capital investment proposals (CAPEX)Financial Management of CAPEX projects Preparation of BudgetsOversee the purchase order processProvide support to the operational management and group finance teamContinuous Improvement, work closely with local management team to support a culture of continuous and operational improvement, often through Lean projectsWeekly payroll review and approvalCompletion of VAT returns to RevenueAd-hoc projects as requiredRequired Qualifications:Have a recognised accountancy qualificationBe proficient in Excel Have excellent organisational and time management skillsHave excellent communication skillsAn enthusiasm for Irish agriculture

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