Management Accountant Consumer Foods

Aurivo Co-op is a large multi-purpose co-operative engaged in a wide range of activities including dairy processing, liquid milk distribution, animal feed milling, retail stores, e-commerce, garden centres, livestock marketing and sports nutrition. In Aurivo our values define how we operate, employing over 700 people directly and providing employment for many others in wide range of activities including transport and distribution.   Opportunity An exciting opportunity has arisen in the Consumer Foods team for a Management Accountant. This role will report to the Consumer Foods Financial Controller, this role requires a detail-oriented individual with strong analytical skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently, This role will be based at Aurivo House, Finisklin, Sligo, and may involve some travel between Aurivo Sites. Key Responsibilities:  ·   Management of all aspects of the Accounts Receivable (AR) function.·   Management of Finance Team with emphasis on Inventory and Credit Control.·   Management of Bank, Cash & Inventory Reconciliations.·   Provision of key metrics to Management Team.·   Act as a link between Finance and Sales & Marketing Team.·   Management of Master Data within the ERP system.·   Updating Fixed Asset Register and Capex project tracking.·   Cash flow forecasting.·   Various Revenue & CSO returns.The ideal candidate·   Qualified Accountant with one of the recognised accounting bodies.·   Minimum 3 years’ experience in a Finance/AR role.·   Proven record of managing a finance/administration team.·   Strong knowledge and aptitude of MS Office applications.·   Ability to plan, organise & prioritise work in a FMCG environment.·   Strong communication and interpersonal skills.·   Ability to work efficiently and effectively on own initiative and as part of a team.·   Full driving license.How to Apply:Aurivo reserve the right to shortlist candidates. Please submit your application to

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