Management Accountant

Management Accountant (Temporary):Duration: 9-month contract (covering maternity leave)Location: Dublin 11Company Overview:Our client is a leading provider of event services, dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences for their clients. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, they strive to exceed expectations and create memorable events that leave a lasting impression.Position Overview:The successful candidate will play a vital role in supporting the financial operations of the company, with a focus on preparing monthly and annual management accounts, reconciling accounts, and providing valuable insights to aid decision-making processes.Key Responsibilities:Prepare monthly and annual Management Accounts and Group reports, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.Conduct analysis and reconciliations of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss accounts.Generate various reports including CT WP, BS analysis, Accrued Income, EBITDA by department, IS MS Reporting, Mag add information, Turnover vs COS by project, Audit File, Turnover by destination, Supplementary reporting pack, top 10 customers, Operating Lease register.Process Intercompany invoices on SAP and reconcile Intercompany balances.Handle Lease invoices on SAP, including processing and managing related documentation.Manage period opening and closing procedures on SAP.Post journal entries on SAP to correct transaction errors, such as sales/purchases invoices discrepancies.Prepare audit files and provide necessary support and information to auditors.Prepare and submit VAT returns, including VAT3 and VAT RTD.Develop and maintain monthly closing timetables to ensure adherence to deadlines.Provide support and guidance to colleagues on financial matters and resolve generic queries.Qualifications:Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field.Previous experience in a similar role, preferably within the event services industry.Strong proficiency in SAP and other accounting software.Excellent analytical skills with the ability to interpret financial data and generate meaningful insights.Detail-oriented with a high level of accuracy in financial reporting.Effective communication skills, both verbal and written.Ability to work efficiently

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