Maintenance Technician | Relief | Swords

Job Title: Maintenance Technician - Nursing HomeLocation: Carechoice SwordsPurpose of Role:We are seeking a dedicated and reliable Maintenance Technician to join our team at Carechoice Swords. This essential role will ensure the smooth running of the facility by maintaining the building, exterior, plumbing systems, fire equipment, and other critical infrastructure. You will work closely with management and service providers to guarantee that the environment remains safe, comfortable, and compliant with all health and safety regulations.Key Responsibilities:Personal Presentation:Maintain a professional demeanor at all times, ensuring a high standard of personal hygiene.Wear the company uniform and personal protective equipment (PPE) as required.Adhere to guidelines on absenteeism, lateness, and sickness.Maintenance Responsibilities:Record and address minor repairs and paint jobs via the daily maintenance record book.Liaise with maintenance personnel to ensure prompt resolution of any maintenance issues.Assist in the upkeep of the grounds, including lawn mowing, hedge trimming, and planting flowers and shrubs.Perform general maintenance tasks, including managing the boiler house, generator, septic tank, and rodent control.Monitor and maintain the heating and water systems, with particular focus on energy efficiency and Legionella prevention.Conduct regular checks of resident monitoring systems, hoists, and other moving equipment.Manage the ordering, service dates, and maintenance of equipment, including oxygen cylinders.Assist with furniture and equipment moving as needed.Handle domestic, sharps, and clinical waste disposal in line with nursing home policies.Clean and maintain bins and waste collection areas.Conduct weekly fire equipment checks and fire drills.Assist with fire inductions for new employees and perform mortuary duties as directed.Health and Safety Awareness:Follow infection control policies and ensure a safe working environment.Respond promptly to any spillages to prevent accidents.Assist with clinical waste disposal in accordance with policies.Apply manual handling techniques as trained and comply with fire safety regulations.Maintain compliance with health and safety guidelines, including H.A.C.C.P and Food Safety regulations.Ensure equipment such as hoists, call bells, and chairs are kept hygienic.Report any defective equipment immediately.Communication and Relationships:Maintain confidentiality about residents and colleagues in accordance with the confidentiality policy.Contribute to a safe, peaceful, and comfortable environment for all.Direct any resident welfare-related queries to the nursing staff.Collaborate as part of the team and attend department meetings as required.Maintain open communication with all departments, including Kitchen, HR, Finance, and Owners.Administration & Continuous Improvement:Participate in mandatory training and personal development opportunities.Attend probationary meetings and appraisals as directed.Stay informed about policy changes and contribute to the improvement of work practices.Key Requirements:Previous experience in building maintenance, particularly in healthcare settings, is preferred.Knowledge of fire safety regulations and basic plumbing, electrical, and mechanical maintenance.Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively as part of a team.Ability to handle and dispose of waste and maintain a clean, safe environment.Flexibility to respond to emergency maintenance requests and assist at other locations as needed.Our Values: At Carechoice Swords, we are committed to fostering a culture of competence, integrity, ethics, teamwork, and communication. As a Maintenance Technician, you will help us ensure that these values are upheld in every aspect of your work.

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