Maintenance Technician

Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for an experienced Maintenance Technician.Overall Job Purpose:To oversee all installation, repair and upkeep operations of the Hotel, Leisure Centre and Car Park. To implement a cost effective, energy efficient and preventative maintenance plan for external and internal facilities and ensure a safe working environment for all employees. To always maintain a high standard of repair throughout the building and its environs.Role Specific Duties:To ensure all plant and equipment are maintained in safe working orderTo manage maintenance schedules and budgetsTo ensure all faults are promptly and efficiently dealt with by a competent registered contractorTo liaise with the General Manager to prioritise daily maintenance work to be completedTo run a preventive maintenance program that will minimise service in the long runTo ensure that all certificates of compliance are maintained and up to date in accordance with relevant legislationTo be responsible for all internal and external maintenance to include and manage the upkeep of the Hotel, Leisure Centre and Car ParkTo deal with internal and external queries in a professional and friendly mannerTo record daily maintenance activitiesTo run an efficient repairs’ reporting systemTo respond quickly to emergenciesTo ensure a high standard of service and attention to detail within the Hotel and its environsTo adhere to all Fire, Safety and Hygiene regulations and to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2005To work according to the principles laid down in the Hotel’s Safety StatementTo attend any training programmes as may be deemed necessary by ManagementTo carry out all reasonable requests from ManagementSome of the benefits of joining the team at Midleton Park Hotel:-         Free parking-         Complimentary Leisure Club Membership-         Staff Meals-         Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement)-         Company Life Insurance Scheme-         Employee Assistance Programme-         Talbot Collection Friends and Family Rates-         Training and Development Opportunities - we invest in our people-         Being part of a progressive & growing company  **Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection is an equal opportunities employer** 

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