Maintenance Technician

Title: Maintenance TechnicianThis shift position is based at our clients’ site in the County Waterford area, the purpose of this position will be to provide preventative and overhaul maintenance on process equipment, packaging lines and plant utilities. As a Maintenance Technician, you will be responsible for:·       Optimize changeover of lines in all areas·       Sharing of knowledge – training with others·       Health and Safety. Maintain highest levels of standards·       Minimization of unplanned downtime·       Active participation in C/O process via teamwork·       Positive contribution to OEE of production line output·       Positive impact in areas of RFT and customer service (Internal/External)·       Provide excellence in service to internal customers·       Participation and ongoing involvement and completion of the Technician Training Program·       Carry out work orders on all equipment in accordance MERP preventative maintenance plans ·       Provide line cover / troubleshooting, breakdown maintenance of electrical / mechanical repairs on all equipment where relevant·       Carry out work order-based maintenance on all equipment·       Carry out annual overhaul maintenance on all equipment·       Assist in GPS to reduce waste and improve plant operating efficiencies. Support continuous improvement initiatives in a team orientated environment. ·       Work in accordance with all Health and Safety, Maintenance, Manufacturing and GMP Procedures·       Improvement in safety of electrical and mechanical equipment. ·       Complete and maintain all required documentation/logs/records in accordance with documented system requirements and continuous improvement initiatives·       Ensuring that all further maintenance requirements are brought to the attention of the relevant shift production supervisor/maintenance supervisor.·       Line changeovers and line running, monitoring and adjustment.·       Breakdown maintenance and on-line trouble shooting.·       Implement minor capital projects·       Continuous Improvement of process and machine reliability to achieve the highest level of plant reliability ·       Work as part of the work centre team to support the area·       Provide excellence in service to internal customers·       Developing and implementing new ideas, modifications and techniques leading to improvements to processes and efficiencies as part of daily duties·       Maintaining housekeeping in the engineering workshops and associated working areas·       Carry out line changeovers and record issues and close out improvement actions. Monitor line performance and adjust as required.·       Train others / Apprentices / Contractors on line changeovers and line adjustment to agreed standards·       Active line monitoring and maintain default positions to the manufacturing lines·       Attendance and participation at shift changeover meetings·       Conducting of safety audits and risk assessment ·       Embrace change in innovation with respect to new technology, new developments which may dictate changes to the technical role. ·       Other duties may be assigned on discretionary basis as required by new developments or changes to the role.·       Proactive approach, capable of working on own initiative in team-based environment·       Good Problem-Solving Skills·      Understanding of and committed to continuous improvement·       Compliance with Safety standards / Polices / procedures when conducting or carrying out normal duties or work practices.·       Report all ZAP’s, accidents or dangerous occurrences to their Department Manager/Supervisor immediately or as soon as is practicable thereafter.·       Document all ZAP’s / accidents in conjunction with team leader/Supervisor·      Cast the right shadow and lead by example.·       Compliance with quality standards / procedures / policies / SOP’s and all other approved documentation.·       During routine production from time-to-time deviations may occur in the process. These deviations may impact on product quality or line efficiency.·       The purpose of the 6 STEP Problem Solving Process is to provide a mechanism and guidelines to:     - carry out effective investigations into problems or deviations     - implement an effective root cause analysis process that will yield the most likely root cause to the problem. - implement effective corrective and / or preventative actions that will provide a high probability that the problem will not reoccur What we need from you is:·       Senior trades or equivalent qualification.·       Area of specialisation in mechanical or electrical ·       Minimum knowledge level to work on the equipment.·       3 years minimum level of job-related experience ·       Must have a Senior Trades Certificate from relevant and approved awarding authorities 

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