Maintenance Supervisor Delta Centre Carlow

Maintenance Supervisor Job Responsibilities: ·        Inspects the building, grounds, and equipment.Handles necessary repairs and maintenance.Responsible for all documentationInstalls equipment and appliances.Follows local and state building codes.Complies with all company safety regulations.Keeps a maintenance log and writes shift reports.Reports any issues to the Operations Manager.Responds to repair and maintenance requests in a timely fashion.Loads and unloads equipment and tools into work vehicles if needed.Follows written and verbal instructions from line manager.Collaborates with the maintenance team and contractors as needed.Reads and follows manuals, blueprints, and other written instructions.Uses equipment, including power tools, hand tools, electric tools, and plumbing tools.Maintenance Worker Qualifications and Skills·        Handles the physical demands of the job, including standing, bending, pulling, pushing, climbing, and lifting at least 50 pounds.Communicates effectivelyCollaborates with maintenance workers, managers and contractors.Education and Experience Requirements:At least one year of building maintenance, construction, plumbing, or electrician experience is strongly preferred, but not required.A certification in building maintenance is a plus.Must have a driver’s license and a clean driving record. 

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