Maintenance Fitter, Newry

SoilWorx is an Irish-owned business producing natural fertiliser in a new state-of-the-art facility in Newry - Soilworx is a circular product that is produced to the highest standard. Are you interested in joining a new, innovative and fast paced working environment? We are currently recruiting a Fitter to join our team in Mayobridge, Newry.Soilworx is part of College Group, privately held company founded in 1989 with HQ in Nobber in County Meath. We are the largest processor and exporter of animal by-products in Ireland. Diversification and investment strategy has resulted in large scale developments in the production of biofuels and the manufacture of organic fertilisers. Continuous development has led to expansion into renewable energy with solar installation and planned renewable gas production.The successful candidate will be an integral part of the plant team responsible for delivering business results in machine efficiency while delivering operational targets in safety, cost, quality and sustainability. Key Responsibilities:Provide Technical expertise/support in all aspects of General Plant & Facilities from Mechanical/ Electrical maintenance and new installations perspective,Carry out preventative maintenance & repair work on plant, motors/ valves etc.,Maintain Workshop area in terms of good house keeping,Contribute on identification, quantification, implementation and presentation of equipment continuous improvement projects,Making sure maintenance tasks are completed in accordance with site policies and procedures,Troubleshoot equipment related process problems and equipment failures to determine cause and to investigate repairs,Ensure effective completion and ongoing review of planned equipment maintenance routines on a computerized maintenance management system,Minimise downtime on equipment, through fast response, effective root cause analysis and good problem solving techniques,Effective analysis and elimination of recurring equipment problems,Comply with all Quality Environmental Health and Safety requirements / training and regulations,Must be available for On call night/ weekend work if a breakdown occurs.Skills required:Maintenance Fitter Craft Certificate or equivalent with good Manufacturing/Industrial experience,Must be self-motivated and have the ability to work in a team and/or on own initiative,Excellent attention to detail and organisational skills, with ability to meet targets and project deadlines,Ability to interact and communicate effectively with a wide range of people,Positive attitude - reliable and strong work ethic,Expertise and knowledge of feed milling would be an advantage.

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