Maintenance Electrician

Exciting Opportunity for a Maintenance Electrician - Join Our Nation-Wide Team!We are actively seeking skilled and qualified Electricians to join our growing maintenance team. Give yourself a head start to 2024 with a fresh opportunity that provides variety, flexibility and progression, all within a growing organisation!What you'll do:As part of our dynamic team, you will be responsible for attending reactive maintenance and installation jobs across our extensive client network, encompassing petrol and EV charging stations throughout your designated area (this role will best suit persons residing in the Oxfordshire, Bristol or Swindon areas).Requirements for the Role:Valid ECS card/ Fully qualified electrician.Full UK driving license.Hold 18th EditionBasic computer knowledge.Compex 1-4 or 7&8 certification.Desirable: UK PIA and confined space certification (training provided for the right candidate).The Successful Candidate Will Receive:Company van.Laptop, tablet, and mobile.All necessary test and inspection equipment and meters.Company uniform and all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).Supplementary training if required.Package Includes:Hourly rate as per JIB guidelines.33 Day Paid Annual Leave (including bank holidays).PensionDeath in service benefit.Private healthcare.Company discount schemes.If you are a skilled Maintenance Electrician, ready to contribute your expertise to our nation-wide team, we invite you to apply. Join us in maintaining and enhancing the electrical infrastructure that powers the vital facilities across our client network.Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, our commitment:As an an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and do not condone discrimination based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We recognise the value that a diverse and inclusive workforce brings, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join us.

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