Maintenance Calibration Technician

Hanley Calibration are currently looking to hire multiskilled Maintenance Technicians including Electrical & Instrumentation and Mechanical. This position is based at our clients’ site on a pharmaceutical company in Haverhill, Suffolk area in the UK. The purpose of this position is to provide re-commissioning maintenance support on process equipment and plant utilities.As a Maintenance Technician, you will be responsible for:Fault finding and rectification for instrumentation systems.Diagnose process faults and failuresCarry out maintenance, repair and inspection of Instrumentation, electrical and control, equipment across all departments.Provide technical support to the operations team.Carrying out unplanned maintenance as instructed.Carrying out receipt verifications on new instruments.Carrying out bench test calibrations.Loop checking and testing instrument and verifying cabling.Maintaining accurate inspection and test records to comply with current legislation and plant safety and quality requirements.Assisting operations in diagnosing process problems and failures.Maintain all documentation in an organised and controlled manner in compliance with GAMP Ability to read and understand technical manuals and engineering documentationCapable of successfully working within a team while having the initiative to self-resolve issues.Literacy in Computer Operating Systems and applications such as Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Auto CAD etc.Ability to work to tight schedules and achieve targets.Participation and ongoing involvement and completion of the Technician Training Program.Support continuous improvement initiatives in a team orientated environment.Improvement in safety of electrical and mechanical equipment.Maintaining housekeeping in the engineering workshops and associated working areas.Conducting of safety audits and risk assessment.Mechanical Maintenance Technician:Ensure adherence to GMP safety, quality and validation protocols.Uses own knowledge and experience to minimise maintenance costs and equipment downtime.Troubleshoot equipment and facility failures and remediate identified issues.Provide core mechanical support including the following: Machining; i.e. Lathe and milling operations, Welding; i.e. MIG, TIG, Stick and brazing, ability to strip equipment in to component parts and reassemble with new seals and replacement wear parts; e.g. rotating pumps, diaphragm pumps, vacuum pumps and various valves, globe valve, gate valve, butterfly valve, diaphragm valves.Able to service and test pressure relief valves. Understands and interprets operation and maintenance manuals, blueprints, P&ID's, Loop diagrams, single line wiring diagrams to help in performing and troubleshooting maintenance repairs.Can work to a safe system of work, e.g. lock out tag out for isolations.What we need from you is:Instrumentation, Mechanical or Electrical Senior trades or equivalent qualification.Proven Instrumentation, Mechanical or Electrical competency in a Production environment.2 years technician experience working as a maintenance technician.Hands on Commissioning experience in Pharma environmentBenefits:Competitive salary.Training & educational support systems.Employee Assistance Program (EAP).Pension Scheme

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