Maintenance Assistant Manager

The Brehon Hotel & Spa is looking for an experienced Maintenance Assistant Manager As Maintenance Assistant Manager in our hotel you will be responsible for ensuring consistent quality of customer service is provided to the guests in accordance with The Brehon Standards. Responsible for supporting team members on a daily basis with any queries and issues that may arise and engaging with them to ensure well-being and satisfaction. Has the responsibility to assist management to drive and deliver positive results.  Essential functions:From supervising emergency repairs to ensuring safety codes are observed, they perform a variety of basic oversight and reporting around the office.Additionally, they put together teams for routine maintenance, sometimes assisting managers in relaying information to the field staff.To organize maintenance personnel, an assistant manager has to:·       Communicate with various maintenance stakeholders in (and outside) the company·       Call in skilled technicians (electricians, mechanics, plumbers, etc.) for specific tasks·       Maintain maintenance quality control and compliance with building safety codes·       Convey instructions from managers to on-site workersIn short, Maintenance Assistant Manager acts as an intermediary between Management and Technical Staff. ·       Liaising with Maintenance Manager and team to schedule self-delivery PM's, Sub-Contractor PM's & reactive works.·       Logging & updating site maintenance related tasks. Maintain logs and full records in support of all service activities.·       Carry out various in-house PM tasks on site (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annual).·       Identify any building maintenance defects. Produce a weekly inspection report of findings.·       Scheduling of contractor maintenance and reactive visits on site.·       Monitor and respond to faults, alarms, defects, etc. Arrange rectification works with appropriate specialist service provider or building managing agent as appropriate.·       Issuing and managing internal method statements and risk assessment sign off.·       Management of contract MSRA documents in advance of scheduled works.·       Management, supervision and permitting of contractors on site.·       Complete building familiarization and safety induction training for all new starters, completing induction checklist and maintain signed record·       Provide regular updates to customer on occupancy levels and assist with space planning requirements to keep drawings up to date. Liaison with local management as needed to communicate updates or moves.·       Maintain local filing system for O&M files, service records, contracts, OPCR process, etc·       Maintain local asset registers in accordance with Customer process.·       Carrying out basic maintenance tasks onsite as necessary.·       Control of heating and cooling throughout building as required and in line with seasonal changes.Supportive function:In addition to performance of the essential functions, this position may be required to perform a combination of the following supportive functions, with the percentage of time performing each function to be solely determinedby the Manager based upon the particular requirements of the company. ·       Provide training to new team members on department procedures, standards and principles, as needed.·       Participate in system development projects·       Provide job cover and support for Shift Technician.·       Participate in Brand Culture Programs, CSR initiatives, etc. DESCRIPTION ·       To carry out maintenance duties as requested by the Maintenance Manager·       To maintain the hotel building in perfect condition·       To ensure all equipment within the hotel is in first class condition·       To answer reasonable requests by guests (eg leads, TV repairs, lights, air conditioning).·       To assist all departments with equipment problems to the best of your ability. To perform tasks when assigned relating specifically to your expertise.·       To assist in the general running of the plant room, chiller room, boiler house, generator room, foul pumps, sump pumps, and switch rooms.·       To keep the work area clean and tidy·       To work within the health and safety guidelines, with special attention to the use of chemicals and dangerous equipment.·       To programme doors and locks and to fit parts where necessary. Specific job knowledge, skill and ability  The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation.·       Comply with all company policies.·       Comply with all systems and procedures as laid down by the Maintenance Manager, CFO, DGM & GM.·       Electrician: Certified Electrician preferred·    Perform minor repairing and maintenance works for all electric circuits and distribution panels  

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