Maintenance Assistant

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan is currently recruiting for an Assistant Maintenance Attendant to upkeep operations of Talbot Hotel Stillorgan.Main Duties:To pro-actively manage daily work-load ensuring effective use of available resources including painting, decorating, gardening Carrying out of maintenance tasks, including preventative maintenance routines as per the departmental requirements in tiling, plumbing, carpentry. Investigation and resolution of process / equipment / instrumentation/ control system issues. To ensure all maintenance procedures are kept up to date. To ensure repairs are carried out on a timely manner. To assist plumbers and electricians in rectifying defects or malfunctions in the hotel systems Assist as part of the team responsible for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the hotel facilities, and refurbishment of hotel facilities and services. To interact with all departments of the hotel. Ensure all work is carried out to the highest professional and Safety standards possible. Ensure that all maintenance activities and procedures adhere to applicable Health and Safety legislation, policies and best practice guidelines..The successful candidate will have:Previous hospitality experience is desirable Safe pass certification is desirable Qualifications in one or more trades including painting, gardening, heating, plumbing, and construction is desirable Be self-motivated and have the ability to prioritise work Be standards driven and detail-orientated Must have the ability to multi-task in fast-paced environment Have flexibility regarding working hours Have a good command of the English LanguageOur benefits: Free parking Staff Meals Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement) Company Life Insurance Scheme Employee Assistance Programme Talbot Collection Friends and Family RatesFree Gym MembershipThe Talbot Hotel Stillorgan is an equal opportunities employer

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