Maintenance and Testing Electrician

Are you a qualified electrician committed to ensuring the safety and reliability of critical electrical infrastructure? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you to join our team at DRB as a Maintenance and Testing Electrician!What You'll Do: As a key member of our field based team, you will play a crucial role in conducting reactive and planned maintenance, daily electrical inspections, installation condition reports, Portable Appliance Testing, and electrical remedial works. Your focus will be on a diverse range of client facilities, including filling stations and forecourts, fuelling depots, and cutting-edge EV charging stations in your respective area.Competency and experience required for this Role:Fully qualified electrician / valid ECS card.Full UK driving license.Compex 1-4 or 7&82391 C&G (or equivalent) Level 3 Award in the Requirements for Electrical Installations BS 7671:2018.Basic computer knowledge.Minimum 2 years' experience in electrical test and inspection (forecourt and EV charging stations would be a plus!).UK PIA and confined space certification is a bonus (although we can provide training for the right candidate).Interested? In addition to a varied and engaging work-scope, you'll receive: Company vehicle.Laptop, tablet, and mobile.All necessary test and inspection equipment and meters.Company uniform and all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).Supplementary training, if required.Package Includes:Hourly and overtime rates.33 Paid Annual Leave Days (including bank holidays).Pension.Death in service benefit.Private healthcare.Company discount schemes.If you are ready to contribute your knowledge and skills to a mission driven team, we encourage you to apply! Join us on our journey where your expertise will make a significant impact. Apply now and be a part of the DRB nationwide community.Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, our commitment: As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and do not condone discrimination based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We recognise the value that a diverse and inclusive workforce brings, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join us.

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