Logistics Coordinator

Want to Build your Career? Kilsaran are looking for talented individuals to join our logistics team as a Logistics Coordinator. We have an exciting opportunity for candidates who are motivated, passionate, and driven to help us meet future challenges. We offer candidates the opportunity to join our organisation as a Logistics Coordinator. The position is based at our HQ in Dunboyne, Co.Meath and will provide the right candidates with a clear pathway to build a career within Kilsaran.As a Logistics Coordinator you will be given the opportunity to learn via a blend of practical and personal development experiences such as:·       On the Job learning focused on Kilsaran processes and activities that you will experience and actively participate within.·       Process area and system workshops·       Tailored learning through internal or external resourcesResponsibilities:·       Plan the most effective daily transport and delivery schedules.·       Process orders received via telephone, email, fax, face-to-face or via Sales Team.·       Prepare delivery dockets, schedule and allocate drivers to deliveries.·       Ensure all customer orders are delivered within agreed time-frame.·       Maintain daily shipping records.·       Prepare and maintain all relevant paper-work for payment transactions.·       Manage cash payments for deliveries from drivers and prepare reports of cash and charge sales.·       Post transactions to customer accounts.·       Ensure on-going effective communication with drivers, customers, production and sales.·       Understand and achieve specific targets regarding utilisation of trucks, costs and empty journeys.·       Responsible for the delivery of the right quality (in consultation with Technical Team) and quantity of material to customer.·       Manage instructions to drivers with regards to their working hours, breaks and rest periods.Skills Required:·       Experience working in a Dispatch Office is a bonus.·       Strong knowledge of systems/detailed administration.·       Supply Chain or Logistics experience within manufacturing would be beneficial.What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·       Competitive hourly rate·       Annual Attendance Bonus·       Overtime Pay·       Twenty-one Days Annual LeaveAdditional Benefits:·       Sick Pay·       Construction Workers Pension Scheme·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Cycle-to-work scheme·       Further education/training and development support·       Career progression opportunitiesHiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       1 round interview process·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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