Lobby Security in Dublin 2 & Dublin 4

We’re looking for Lobby Officers to join our growing Security team.  Would you like to work in the heart of Dublin City? Working as part of a team that is making a difference and providing the best customer service. If so, we have a fantastic opportunity to join our team as a Lobby Officer.Joining the Provincial team means you will play a key role amongst people who want to make a difference. Determined to provide excellent customer service. You'll welcome guests, visitors and contractors arriving into the building. Your eye for detail will help you notice when something isn't as it should be. Expect to perform a variety of routine and non-routine duties, access control, CCTV monitoring and door alarm event monitoring.New to Security?When you join Provincial, you will receive everything you need to start your career in security. This is an opportunity to join a company that ensures our employees are happy at what they do.Do you have?A passion for customer service.Enjoy building relationships and working as part of a teamAn eye for detail – you have your security focus in tune and notice when something isn’t as it should be.A warm and helpful presence – we like to acknowledge people and get to know their names.Excellent communication skills; verbal, written and listening. You will be operating in a multi-cultural environment and may need to adapt your communications to your audience.Check us out for yourself Here About the role         Responsibilities include but are not limited to:  Welcome and greet employees, visitors and contractors coming into the building.Perform a variety of routine and non-routine duties associated with access control, CCTV monitoring and door alarm event monitoring.Using established policies, standards and guidelines to carry out day to day duties.Monitor secondary access points and ensure adherence to relevant policies and procedures.Monitor CCTV system to identify potential security threats/weaknesses and dispatch officers as necessary.Work with the security team, control room, client and contractors.Provide professional customer service whether responding to a first aid situation, answering a query or dealing with lost property.Accurately record relevant information for inclusion in weekly/monthly reports.Write reports as required.Be proactive and report all unusual circumstances and situations and respond as necessary. Job RequirementsExcellent verbal and written communication ability. Including a courteous and professional telephone manner, with accuracy in relaying information.High level of attention to detail.Ability to maintain high level of concentration and focus.Ability to prioritise and multi-task.Professional appearance and demeanor.Excellent customer service.Ability to work independently while also being a team player.Ability to interact effectively at all levels and across diverse cultures.Ability to follow instructions, directives and prescribed procedures.Ability and willingness to learn new technology as required.Action oriented with a passion for getting things done quickly, efficiently, and properlyDeal positively with rapid changeStrong computer skills. Must be proficient and familiar in the use of the Microsoft products.General knowledge of electronic access control systems, CCTV and alarms systems.The highest adherence to ethics. Preferred Qualifications ·      PSA Licence Here’s what we offer you. ·      A challenging, flexible and interesting role·      A sense of security and belonging ·      High quality training and coaching from talented people·      A long list of great brands to work with·      A fun team culture·      Ambitious growth plans and great progression opportunities And that’s not all·      Industry Leading Wage Package·      Comprehensive Sick Pay Scheme·      Real Opportunities for Advancement·      Maternity top up payment and flexible working hours·      Excellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018·      Training opportunities including access to LinkedIn Learning.

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