Loading Bay Operative

Pilgrim’s UK Lamb is a division of Pilgrim’s Pride Limited, one of the largest meat processors in the UK.We operate five sites across the UK, supplying retail customers with over 400 products, including fresh pork, bacon, sausage, cooked meats, lamb and added value products. Pilgrim’s UK Lamb as a business boasts an impressive integrated supply chain, producing outdoor bred, free range organic food products for retail customers. We are investing in innovation and are currently looking for talented people to join us on our journey to deliver our strategic plans.If you are able to work in a variety of different temperature-controlled environments, are willing to undertake additional training in line with site and customer requirements, have good communication skills, a can-do positive attitude and can work well within a team then you could be the person we are looking forEarn a loading bonus once training is completed to boost your weekly wage.Desirable Personal Qualities FlexibilityAttention to detailTeam workingAbility to work under pressureExcellent time keeping & attendancePhysically fitBenefits: We offer:·        Paid breaksFREE Breakfast every Friday ·        28 days holiday entitlement – including bank holidays·        Free parking·        Subsidised canteen·        Subsidised staff meat·        Discount on retail, cinema, travel and much more·        Life assurance policy·        Long service awardsOpportunities to develop

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