Livestock Buyer

Our procurement team are looking for a full-time Livestock Buyer to join us at our Bridge of Allan site.This is an exciting supplier facing role which requires excellent people and communication skills for liaising with our existing suppliers and growing supply base.The ideal candidate will be highly motivated, ambitious and commercially minded with the ability to adapt to change in a competitive and fast moving environment.Previous experience of dealing with livestock suppliers plus, having a sound knowledge of the red meat industry is also preferable.As a Livestock Buyer, you will play a key role in ensuring the business is supplied with the best quality cattle and sheep for our retail, catering and export programme within Scotland.Main Duties and Responsibilities:- Working as part of a small team to ensure there is enough cattle & sheep supplied to the business each week, it is procured at the best price possible and also in accordance with farm assurance requirements- Providing Livestock Procurement advice and information to management as required- Carrying out farm visits to develop and maintain relationships with farmers including producer group meetings.- Co-ordinate with livestock agents, farmers, hauliers and other livestock suppliers to ensure deliveries of cattle & sheep are made on time- Ensuring you adhere to current animal welfare legislation and company operating procedures at all times with regard to safe movement, handling and production of cattle and sheep- Procuring livestock from suppliers with on farm visits and via phone- Liaising regularly with the Procurement Manager- Liaising with the lairage department to ensure livestock deliveries arrive in a timely manner- Assisting at and attending agricultural shows and any other related eventsIt is also important to us that you learn each of these areas within the business to further understand your role:- Procurement & Supply Chain- Lairage & Animal Welfare- Slaughter- Primary Carcass Breakdown & Yields- Boning/Production- Customer Specifications- Stock Rotation (Maturation)- Production Planning- Food Safety and Quality ServicesThe ideal candidate should have the following:- Strong financial understanding and business acumen- Highly motivated, ambitious and commercially minded- Excellent time management- Self-motivated, driven, and strong communication skills- Excellent attention to detail- Experience of working with Microsoft Office- Ability to adapt to change in a highly competitive and fast moving environment- Ability to work under pressure- Must hold a full UK Driving LicenceBenefits to working here:Permanent, Full Time Contracts of Employment Employee Assistance Programme  Online Benefits Resource  21 days paid holiday per year plus 8 public holidays a year  Life Assurance  Refer a friend scheme Loyalty Reward Scheme Employee Engagement ForumEmployee Spotlight Awards Subsidised Canteen Free Car Parking Pension Scheme Cycle to Work Scheme  Ppe provided Training and Development Employee Recognition Awards Loyalty Rewards 

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