Swim Teacher

Leisure Club Attendant/ Swim Teacher Clonmel, Co. Tipperary  Description Reporting to The Leisure Club Manager, the purpose of this role is taking a pro-active role in the overall operations of the leisure club facility in line with 4-star requirements while providing a high level of member and guest service and providing a happy and safe environment.  Main Responsibilities: Assist and instruct swim lessons and swim camps/workshops. Provide competent, safe instruction using recognized lead-up skills as established by our profession and nation aquatic agencies. Plan and effectively organize class time for maximum practice. This is accomplished through weekly lesson plans. Teach with encouragement and positive reinforcement. Provide for consistency in instruction by working each assigned period. Work hours as scheduled which includes beginning and ending class on time; remaining after class to answer participant and/or parent questions,  and clean up supplies. Liaise and coordinate all lessons and other work with your manager/supervisor or leisure receptionist on duty. Attend to accident or emergency situations and reporting of same in accordance with accident/incident protocols and/or emergency action plans. Complete additional duties as assigned. Promote good public relations by talking with parents before and after class, not during. Attend mandatory meetings and trainings as scheduled.  What is Required? Qualified swim teacher and pool lifeguard is desirable. Qualified gym instructor is desirable but not essential. Previous experience of pool plant and current first aid qualification is desired but not essential.  What do we offer? Complimentary Leisure Club Membership Discounts in all Talbot Collection properties Contributory Pension Scheme Life Insurance Employee Assistance Programme Bike to Work Scheme Free parking  Talbot Hotel Clonmel is part of the Talbot Hotel Collection and is an equal opportunities employer 

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