Leisure Centre Attendant

Job Description Job Title: Leisure Centre AttendantProperty   Oriel House HotelResponsible To: Leisure Centre Manager Overall Job PurposeAssisting in the day to day running of administration in the leisure center. Assisting in the daily cleaning of the leisure center. Maintaining a safe and comfortable swimming pool area for members and guests. Supporting the sales and processing of leisure center membership.               Role Specific Duties: To arrive for work on time and in proper uniform To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene and groomingTo clock in/out adhering to the Company Clocking Policy·        To always deliver exceptional friendly service, to every guest in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service programTo adhere to all Fire, Safety and Hygiene regulations and to comply with the Health and Safety at work act 2005 as detailed in your staff handbookTo familiarise and adhere to Company Policies and procedures as outlined in your staff handbookTo familiarise yourself and to carry out duties laid out in the departmental SOPsTo ensure that necessary steps are taken to safeguard Company money, goods and assetsTo deal with customer complaints in an efficient and professional manner and to notify Management of theseTo upsell the Company products and services where possibleTo ensure the relevant items are placed in the safe on a daily basis.To ensure that cash in the safe is counted and balanced and brought over to the accounts office with the relevant paperwork.To ensure that all paperwork placed in the safe is processed on daily basis.To update the system with renewals of membership.To enter any new members on the system.To keep all membership information up to date.To process mailshots to members/perspective members ie. Renewal letters, promotions etc.Process the direct debits.Deal with any queries over the phone or via email in relation to membership or for existing members.To cover the reception desk as and when required.Taking appointments for gym consultations.Teaching classesTo ensure the correct levels of chemicals are used in all areas and that all safety equipment is used when handling any chemicals.To assist and advise members and guests in the use of all equipment/areas of the Leisure Centre, ensuring health and safety at all times.Advise guests and members and ensure they understand the rules and regulations of the Leisure Centre.To deal with any enquiries in relation to membership, new and existingCarry out daily routine checks and inspections of the facilities.To follow rigidly all HR policies and procedures.To ensure a high standard of service and attention to detail within the hotel/your department.To ensure that necessary steps are taken to safeguard Company money, goods and assets.To familiarise yourself and to carry out duties laid out in the departmental S.O.P. manual.To upsell the Company products and services where possible. Health & Safety ·        Ensure high standards of health and safety are always maintained·        Complete required cleaning tasks in accordance with the Leisure Club daily and weekly tasks sheet, ensuring the work has been completed to a high standard·        Ensure the storage areas are kept in a clean, tidy and safe condition·        Ensure any faults or problems with equipment in the Department are reportedTo take a proactive involvement in Health and Safety, ensuring to report and where possible act on incidents, accidents or damage in the Hotel. Proactively bring any suggestions or ideas to management’s attention·        Work in a way that minimises risks to the health and safety and security of self and others Personal Development  ·        Ensure personal mandatory training is up to date·        With the help of others, review own work against the requirements for the role and identifies any development areasTo be present and punctual for all in-house/external training programs as requested Additional Duties ·        To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program;·        To be professional, respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times;·        To act with honesty and integrity at all times;To establish and maintain a respectful and good working relationship with your colleagues and management;To work as part of the broader team, assisting and supporting your colleagues and management when necessary, acknowledging that each department is interdependent on the other and the importance of teamwork. To support the company’s commitment to excellence and quality by complying with company SOP’s and service standards;·        To have total product knowledge of all the property’s services and facilities, and total awareness of the product offering of the Talbot Collection as a whole; To carefully read and adhere to company policies and procedures as outlined in the staff handbook;To be present and punctual for all in-house/external training programs as requested;To adhere to all fire, safety and hygiene regulations and to comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005; To take a proactive involvement in Health and Safety, ensuring to report and where possible take action on incidents, accidents or damage in the Hotel. Proactively bring any suggestions or ideas to management’s attention;To be proactive in maintaining energy efficiency in the property particularly in terms of electricity, water and waste. Proactively bring any suggestions or ideas to managements attention;To comply with all policies, procedures and memo’s of the Collection;Any other sundry task not mentioned but within scope of the job.  This job description is not considered to be exhaustive. You may be required to carry out other ad hoc duties from time to time that are deemed reasonable and necessary by management. This job description may change subject to changing business needs and requirements. 

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