In House Trainer

Role Purpose:• To research, design, deliver and evaluate bespoke training programmes in line with business objectives for all Colleagues, including the induction programme for all roles. • To equip colleagues including management teams with the knowledge, practical skills, and motivation to carry out their work activities effectively• To contribute to the design and effectiveness of external learning materials.Key Responsibilities:• To deliver consistently high-quality training to colleagues and managers including inductions for all roles, management development, and training to support project rollouts and coaching.• To create learning interventions with the learner in mind, designing high quality, well written training to support the identified business need. Expand on current training and development programme (striving for continuous improvement) redesigning for a variety of different learning styles• To research, design, deliver and evaluate vital skills (soft skills) as well as personal and professional development programmes with a focus on up-skilling and • Complete periodic reviews of training material (as directed) to make sure they are compliant and maintained for operational use.• Manage own time effectively, taking responsibility for multiple projects and deliverables and prioritising these effectively.• To make sure learning including digital learning interventions have a blended learning approach and an accurate record of training interventions is kept.• Where project work is involved, act as the L&D representative with responsibility for the end-to-end L&D work, liaising with colleagues as appropriate. Be aware of risk management on project work, escalating material risks or concerns to the project/L&D Manager.• Analyse training, assessment, and quality assurance MI to recommend creative, cost-effective training solutions• To deliver training and support at times outside of normal working hours during periods of high demand • To attend internal and external training courses and events as required to develop service requirements in a technical and learning capacity • To Record MI of the learning Academy in line with business process, this includes the logging of attendance, course evaluation and learners results on the Learning Management System  Key Relationships:• Field Operations Management & Colleagues (all jurisdictions)• Support functions teams• Compliance and Quality Assurance Team• Head office TeamsEssential Criteria:• Knowledge of the Learning cycle including blended learning approaches: to include learning needs analysis, design, and delivery. • Ability to write training materials and courses to a high standard in line with company branding and tone of voice. Rigorous attention to detail. • Experience in evaluation to show return on investment & training effectiveness • Up to date knowledge of contemporary development models. • Experience of delivering coaching and leadership and development programmes preferably up to & including middle management levels • Ability to manage own time and workload. • P.C literacy and good systems knowledge including MS Office Word/Excel/PowerPoint) • Capable of working remotely under minimal supervision• Experience of training in health and social care, Homecare, Supported Living, Children's ServicesDesirable :• Understand the end-to-end process of digital learning solutions including eLearning authoring• CIPD qualified (or willing to work towards)• Coaching qualification • Level 3 certificate in education and training Salary: £22,500 to £25,000 depending on experience

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