Learning Content Delivery Manager

Who we areCode Institute is a global leader in delivering coding skills that help people switch to a career in software development. Demand for software developers is rapidly escalating as digitisation accelerates and hundreds of thousands of new roles open up every month. Our online programmes give learners a direct pathway into these careers. Code Institute has been a Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards winner for the past three years. We are Europe's largest provider of tech graduates and employ over 100 staff based in our Dublin Headquarters and around the world. We help people change their lives.Why work hereOur blended learning approach is delivered through a combination of great content, expert tuition, mentoring, targeted learning supports and our proprietary learning analytics driving great student outcomes and employment rates of over 90% for our graduates. As a Learning Content Delivery Manager, you will be responsible for coordinating the content development process across your instructional design team, technical writers, content developers, subject matter experts, QAs, graphic designers and LMS platform developers. Code Institute is an equal opportunities employer and prides itself on diversity and inclusivity across our staff and our student body alike.. In this role, you will:Plan, resource, and execute programme content development against an agreed product roadmapTrack and coordinate the content development process Manage stakeholder communication and alignment. Manage partnerships and collaborations relating to content development.Manage risk across programme development.Ensure that content quality delivers learning outcomes and an engaging learning experience. Ensure compliance with any regulatory frameworks of the governing bodies that certify our learning.Be skilled in Agile methodologies. Work with product management to analyse a mix of student, tutor and partner feedback with learning analytics to monitor quality and build a continuous improvement culture.Collaborate with cross-functional teams on go-to-market activities and product improvement activities. Ensure that the right blend of in-house and contracted expertise delivers the best outcomes. Drive continuous improvement across our learning content development processes.You will have:3-5 years of programme delivery experience managing complex interdependencies across multiple concurrent projects. Strong communication skills and experience in managing expectations across diverse stakeholder groups. A calm, data-driven approach to problem-solving. A track record of responding to life's unexpected surprises and managing resources to deliver on time and to expectations.Either experience of delivering software development projects or learning development projects. Both would be just great!

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