Lead Retail Assistant

Lead Retail Assistant - Service 87, AltonService 87 Ltd are based in Alton and cover the Reading, Guildford, Slough and Basingstoke areas. We are a small team with 5 Engineers and 3 office staff and are expanding as a result of additional work volumes from long established clients.We are the authorised and trusted repairer for many insurance companies and manufacturers. We have built our reputation over the past thirty years striving to provide the most efficient and customer focussed repair journey possible.We have an exciting opportunity for a Lead Retail Assistant to work within our busy central hub based in Alton where you will be responsible for helping to establish and develop our new retail department. The Lead Retail Assistant role will be varied and fast paced and will involve dealing with customers, both over the phone and in store dealing with any general enquires, providing exceptional customer service by understanding customer needs and recommending suitable products, manage inventory and stock levels, merchandising, marketing, handling install queries, sales issues and customer complaints. An excellent manner and high level of both written and spoken English are therefore required for this role.Our Lead Retail Assistant role will also involve booking calls onto our bespoke online booking system which in turn will then need allocating to an engineer and ensuring this is done in line with our SLA’s. Organisation is key for this role as you will be juggling multiple tasks and ensuring all are done to a high standard.As a Lead Retail Assistant you will be experienced in retail sales and service and be looking to take the next step to further your career. You must also be confident in using Microsoft packages, especially word and excel and experience of using call booking systems previously will be advantageous although full training will be given on our system.This role is working Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm with weekend work depending on the needs of the business.The salary for this role is £23,920 per annum.Additional Benefits•        Company Pension scheme•        30 Days annual holiday allowance including 8 bank holidays•        Wellbeing and fantastic work – life balance•        Excellent opportunities for progression and promotion within our business.•        Death in service benefit at 3x salary•        Company online retailer saving portal•        Complimentary MAP – (Multi Appliance Protection) for your own home appliances.•        Specialist training

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