Laundry Assistant | Part Time

We are now looking for a kind and reliable Part Time Laundry Assistant for our Swords Home, to provide excellent standards of cleanliness and hygiene that are maintained throughout our Home.The Ideal Candidate will have:· Previous practical experience in working in a similar environment is desirable but not essential.· Passion about elder care, providing residents with a safe, clean environment to live in.· Ability to work independently or as part of a team.· A professional, caring and empathetic nature.· Be comfortable working in a sometimes challenging environment.· Good level of English language skills.· Availability to work varied shift patterns, Monday to Sunday.KRA: Job Application - Laundry Proactively sorting and labeling clothingDaily laundering and ironing of clothing within the nursing roomManaging storage and own use of cleaning and other  productsCollection and correct disposable of domestic and clinical wasteProviding intensive cleaning techniques to M.R.S.A Infected clothes as directedMaintaining the Laundry service area and surroundsRotate where necessary to meet the Laundry demands of the role KRA: Health and Safety Awareness Adherence to precautions identified in the infection control policyAttending to any spillages to avoid any accidentAssisting in the disposal of clinical waste in line with Nursing home policyApplication of ‘Manual Handling’ Techniques as trainedCompliance with fire safety regulationsCompliance with the Safety statementEnsuring the work area is a safe environment for residents and visitorsFamiliar with the Health and safety at work Act 2005Compliance with H.A.C.C.P guidelines and all ‘Food Safety’ best practicesAdherence to all national and local health and safety policies and guidelinesCarry out practical duties only when competent to do soAssisting in the hygiene of equipment such as hoists, call bells and chairs Reporting any defects in equipment  KRA:  Communication and Relationships Directing any queries regarding residents welfare to the Nursing staffWorking as part of the team Attending Department meetings as requiredAware of all internal memos and directives by managementAttending the six monthly communication meetingsCommunicating any grievances with line managementMaintaining an open and honest relationship with all departments including the Nursing, Kitchen, Activities, Maintenance, Finance, Human Resources and Owners KRA:  Administration and Continuous Improvement Attending mandatory training and other training as directedAttending probationary meetings in the first 6 months of service with the nursing homeAttending six monthly appraisals with the Line ManagementAware of all policies and any changes or amendments that are made to the nursing home policiesContributing to own personal development and attending training and development where needed Demonstration of Values All employees should continually promote legacy of Company Culture through demonstrating its values Competence, Integrity and Ethics, Teamwork and Communication Confidentiality It is a condition of employment that staff will not disclose any information obtained during the course of their work other than to those entitled to receive it. Variation to duties You may be required to undertake other duties as may reasonably be expected of you within the scope of the post. 

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