Experienced Bar Supervisor

South Dublin Institution established in 1828: the Royal Marine Hotel is situated in an elevated site set in four acres of beautifully landscaped gardens overlooking Dublin Bay. The 'new look' 4* star Hotel offers guests a host of services.Facilities228 well appointed Bedrooms12 Dedicated Meeting Rooms set in the original Victorian Building which have been meticulously restoredThe Carlisle seating up to 500 delegatesBay Lounge, ornate yet entrenched in history in a perfect setting ideal for afternoon teaHardys Bar incorporating a modern design serving a trendy menuDun Bistro featuring a mix of both modern and period design featuring a European menuPier Health Club with an 18 metre pool and a cardiovascular exercise facility with state of the art equipment.Our luxurious Sansana Spa which has nine treatment rooms including a Razul Chamber, a Hydrotherapy Bath and Dry Flotation RoomThe Team at the Royal Marine is exciting, extremely dynamic and always working at developing a continuously growing business and a vibrant Hotel.The Position:We are looking for an outgoing, well presented and reliable person to assist in running our busy bars and banqueting bars. The successful candidate must have a proven experience in stock control procedures and excellent people management skills.Job Duties:The successful candidate will be responsible for:The supervision and training of team members.Ensuring adequate levels of stock is maintained at all times.Cash Control.To assist in ensuring there is sufficient stock purchased for level of business.To maximize all sales opportunities through up selling and additional sales, efficient recording of sales.To assist in implementing the agreed purchasing procedures.To ensure all public areas, staff areas and all within areas of responsibility are cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.Experience/Qualifications:Must have a minimum of 2 years Bar supervisory experience in Hotels.Must have proven experience in Stock Control Procedures.Proficient in Micros or Volante.Must be fluent in English written and oralHave the ability to meet and exceed our guests' expectationsHave detailed knowledge of all kitchen processes and food proceduresHave detailed knowledge of all bar/pub processes and proceduresExcellent leadership and people management skillsThe above serves as a general guideline to your duties and areas of responsibility. Your own manager will convey to you other tasks, which you may be required to fulfill.Please note this role will involve night work outside or public transport operating hours. Ideally you should have your own transport or live locally.IMPORTANT INFORMATIONWe value and thank you for your enquiry. We are committed to an honest appraisal, therefore if we have not contacted you within 7 days of your application we have determined that your experience and skills do not match the very specific criteria required.All applicants must be eligible to live and work in the Ireland full time. You will be asked to provide documented evidence of eligibility.

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