Laptop & Tablet Repair Operative

Pacifica is one of the UK’s largest providers of outsourced support and repair of Domestic Appliances and Brown Goods. Employing over 250 fully qualified engineers, repairing over 350,000 appliance repairs every year, creating a sustainable future. As a Carbon Neutral Company, our goal is to reach net-zero carbon by 2035. ·       Our Purpose; We exist to keep households running while protecting the environment.·       Our Vision; We are proud to care for our customers’ appliances for a more sustainable world.Pacifica currently have an opportunity for an engineer to join our tablet and laptop repair team based in our Washington warehouse. Previous experience in the repair of brown goods is needed but we will provide further training across different brands and specialised products, offering a great career path for engineers to grow and become true specialists within their fields. You will be well organised, able to efficiently manage own work load and be able to confidently work both independently and collaboratively with other members of the team to reach deadlines and targets.  Duties of the role: ·       Fault find, diagnose and repair of tablets and laptops – always aiming for a first time fix·       Ordering parts ·       Maintain a safe and clean work station at all times·       Liaise with the call centre to pass accurate information on each repair to the customer·       Monitor and action own WIP ·       Keep up to date records of each stage of the repair·       Provide detailed job noted of work carried out upon completion of the workThis is a workshop based role, working Monday – Friday, 37.5 hours per week. Overtime will be available. Additional benefits:  • Company Pension scheme• 30 days annual holiday allowance including 8 bank holidays – rising with length of service• Wellbeing and fantastic work – life balance• Excellent opportunities for progression and promotion within our business.• Death in service benefit at 3x salary • Company online retailer saving portal• Complimentary MAP – (Multi Appliance Protection) for your own home appliances.• Costa card gift cards – monthly nominations by Team Managers

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