Lairage Supervisor

We are currently looking for someone to join our team as a Lairage Supervisor. The role is responsible for overseeing the daily operations in the lairage to ensure compliance.Working hours Monday to Friday 0530 start until job finish.Main Duties and Responsibilities:Ensure that the animal welfare policy is always adhered to, this is of uppermost importance; report to the manager any failure of this.  Understand the delivery declarations, ensure that they are completed, checking delivery declaration is correct and completed accurately. This should also be signed by the producer/keeper. To supervise the lairage operatives, ensuring that the lairage is running smoothly and to aid their development of knowledge.  Verify that all cattle are present along with their passports. Ensure that the cattle are penned appropriately within the legal requirements Work strictly to the company procedures and ensuring all the relevant paperwork is completed correctly Ensuring that all information / data entered into lairage systems is correct   Ensure all legal requirements are met with regards to water / feed / bedding  Ensuring any anomalies with regards to the cattle are clarified in a timely manner Keep your work area clean and free from debris, spillages and contamination at all times. Carry out clean as you go policy.  Use, clean and maintain the working order of lairage including any machinery, and report any faults to your Manager / Supervisor immediately. Make sure that yourself and the team adhere to health and safety and food hygiene standards at all times To co-ordinate and supply the correct traceability information with regards to Farm Assurance To communicate effectively and accurately to al the team To utilise departmental resources efficiently e.g. labour and machinery.  To minimise any wastage e.g. water, feed and bedding.  To ensure all fallen stock or lairage incident has the relevant paperwork  If you hold a suitable license, assist with any forklift or reach truck duties required within any department. To carry out all duties and roles within the abattoir in line with individual training matrix. Any other duties as required Skills and experience:Experience of supervising a teamLooking for opportunities to progressExcellent attention to detailFirst class communication skillsUsed to working in a fast paced and busy environmental candidate will have previous experience in a similar type of role and be suited to working in a fast paced environment. The candidate should have good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to multi-task. Previous animal handling or farm work experience would be beneficial. The ideal candidate will have previous experience in a similar type of role and be suited to working in a fast paced environment. The candidate should have good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to multi-task. Previous animal handling or farm work experience would be beneficial. The ideal candidate will have previous experience in a similar type of role and be suited to working in a fast paced environment. The candidate should have good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to multi-task. Previous animal handling or farm work experience would be beneficial. 

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