Label Room Operative

About the CompanyABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe. We are a food business that specialises in the supply and development of award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.Role DefinitionWorking in accordance with customer specifications to ensure products have correct labelling. The candidate will be responsible for maintaining brand integrity and upkeeping standards set by customer.Duties and Responsibilities• Issuing of printed packaging • Ensure all traceability is recorded• Ensure correct packaging is issued• Replenish packaging stock from main store• Off-line printing of packaging• Ensure documentation is completed as per procedure• Management of stock in terms of control and rotation• Ensuring correct labelling prior to issuing• GMP of label room is kept to standard at all times• Ensure all procedures are followed• Adherence to safe working procedures in accordance with legislations and company policies/regulationsQualifications, Experience and Personal Qualities:• The ideal candidate will demonstrate an excellent standard of hygiene• Enjoy a challenging role and highly detailed environment• Flexible and able to work under pressure to meet deadlines• High standard of personal and workplace hygiene• Able to communicate and work as a teamDesirable Skills​• Food Safety level 2/3 ​

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