Lab Technician

About UsWe are a team of passionate individuals from 15 countries, developing ground-breaking biological technologies designed to sustainably and safely control insects that transmit diseases and destroy crops. We do this work to improve lives and livelihoods around the world in the face of growing threats that insects pose to human health and the global food supply.We are strongly committed to a set of values and principles and foster a culture of trust, respect, creativity, and accountability. Click here to read about our principles, and click here to read our CEO’s blog on trust and our corporate culture.Purpose of the RoleWe are seeking a highly motivated Lab Technician who will contribute to our day-to-day lab activities associated with our public health field pilots and related activities in the United States. You must be able to live and work in the US; we are unable to offer sponsorship for this role.Supporting and reporting to our Senior Lab Technician, you will take a proactive approach to executing all required lab tasks each day, maintaining professionalism in your approach at all times with the team and the local partner organization. This is a physical job, best suited to someone that likes spending their days outside, and on the move, who is comfortable driving cars and small vans, and confident interacting with community members about our technology. You will have a keen interest in insect biology and may also have experience of working in vector surveillance or vector control. Conscientious, diligent, eager to deliver quality at pace, you must have a self-starting attitude, and demonstrate strong organisational skills and attention to detail. Good communication skills and an enthusiasm for our program mission will be essential. Responsibilities  As a member of the Field Operations team, and reporting to the Senior Lab Technician, you will:Complete all required daily lab activities (i.e., processing of lab samples coming from field, using microscopes for sample quantification, cleaning lab equipment, etc);Highlight any problems in process or data early and courageously;Ensure strict adherence to technical protocols;Promote a culture of non-conformance avoidance;Ensure data integrity and validity;Maintain a professional, respectful approach always;Skills, Experience, and Education Requirements Experience working to protocols or precise instructions in a technical capacity;People and resource management in field projects;Demonstrable experience leading a team to achieve complex tasks;Experience following policies and procedures, and reporting unexpected events;Fluent English language required;Comfort working at moderate physical intensity in hot outdoor environments;Native user of mobile apps;A keen and curious mind;A valid driver’s license and clean driving record;Experience in community engagement preferred;Education or experience working with insects or insect surveillance for public health is desirable. Behavioural RequirementsCommitment to and passion for the Oxitec mission;Adaptability;Team-player;Respect for others;Working with urgency;Fastidiousness with respect to quality of work. 

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