Kitchen Team Member/ Wimbledon

Job descriptionBayley & Sage is growing, and we currently have an opportunity for a Kitchen Team Member to join our Central Production team in South West London.About the roleYou will work as part of the team with the day to day preparation of all items of the ready to eat kitchen, which prepares our salads, sandwiches, and dips. Building, garnishing, assembling, packaging, storing and labelling the ready to eat products and crating them for delivery.This role will require an exceptional level of attention to detail as your work will have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Our aim is to surprise and delight Bayley & Sage customers through the continuous excellence of our delicious products.About youYou will be a hard worker with a passion for food who can contribute a positive attitude within the kitchen team. You will have some experience in a similar role, or you will have worked in a fast-paced environment before. You will be looking for a full-time role in a company which offers opportunities for career progression. You take pride in your work and feel a sense of achievement at a job well done.What we offerCompany eventsDiscounted or free food40% employee discountPension PlanJob Type: Full-timeMorning shift: 6 am to 14:30Weekend availabilitySalary: £11.45/hour

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