Kitchen Team Leader

Location: Barnsley MetrodomeHours of Work:  The hours of work will be 30 hours per week, Monday to Sunday to suit the needs of the business.Rate of Pay:  The rate of pay for this position is £19,663 per annum ( £12.57 per hour).As a team leader in within BPL catering you will work to ensure that each and every customer visiting our facility receives an excellent experience and leaves feeling good about their visit. You will lead, motivate and inspire your team to work hard every day but have fun along the way making sure that we get things done together. As a Kitchen Team Leader, you will be responsible for the daily setup and efficient operation of our kitchen and catering facilities. Within your department, you will lead a team of chefs, ensuring that our facilities provide consistent, high-quality catering options both on a day-to-day basis and for special tailored functions and events. You will also oversee stock control within the kitchen and collaborate with the Catering & Food Safety Manager to develop innovative and exciting menus for our sites.Whether you are looking for a job or a career change, why not come join our family and make some great new friends.In return, we will give you a competitive salary and a work place pension, but we also offer additional benefits to all our staff which include:·        Free Fitness & Swimming Membership·        Generous annual leave entitlement·        Discounted food & drink·        Flexible working·        Wellbeing support·        Training & development opportunities·        Free car parking at all sitesWe will encourage you to make this role your own and we are excited to see what you can do.  Duties and Responsibilities1.    You will lead, motivate and inspire your team to work hard every day but have fun along the way making sure that our catering facilities at the Metrodome operate efficiently, effectively and safely. We get things done together.2.   To audit and maintain our equipment to ensure that it is kept in good state of repair and always looking great. 3.   To manage our stock, including ordering and taking deliveries, systems of work and staff education on how stocks are best managed.4.   To ensure your team and the building team are always kept in the loop by taking a lead on communication, handover, updates and feedback.5.   To always advocate for your staff, leading on employee initiatives and ensuring your staff have 1:1 time with you to aid their development and training needs.6.   To be an advocate for good practice, auditing our businesses and challenging non compliance with our brand and food standards, food safety, law and legislation.7.    To ensure all company policies and procedures are followed and to recognize and to inform your line manager should any require review or amendment.8.   To oversee and manage all financial obligations for the trading arm of the business such as invoices, cash orders, banking and controlling a managed budget for your area. 9.   To assist in setting and any live amendment of operational changes to employee working rotas maintaining a correct record of working hours.10. Complete and maintain all employee records such as annual reviews, 121, sickness reviews and return to work ensuring that the Employment Policies are adhered to in collaboration with the HR Department.11.  To Assist in the site onboarding, induction and training of staff working within your team.12. To ensure practices under, licensing, food safety, health and hygiene, safety checks, and emergency procedures in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act, Liquor and Entertainment Licensing Laws, BPL’s Safety Policy and Codes of Practice are followed.13. To ensure public order in the facility taking action to minimise vandalism and hooliganism and for the general security of the venue including responding to emergency call-outs as a nominated key holder.* (*where applicable)14. To ensure that health and safety and food safety regulations are maintained, and followed by all staff at all times.15. Ensure the safe supervision and welfare of all staff based at the facility including delegation and management of duties performed and working time directives.16.  Maintain high standards of cleanliness in the facility, to include supervision, audited checks and facility building tours on shifts.17.  Assist and contribute new ideas to develop new promotion and business for the facility.18. To meet and negotiate requirements for functions and events and ensure all requests are communicated to relevant departments.Experience, Skills, and Knowledge that you may need for this role:·        Working under pressure in a fast paced environment ·        The ability to delegate, prioritise and lead people·        Knowledge of IT to maintain live rotas and Create artwork.·        Great customer service and communication skills·        An NVQ Level 3 qualification or equivalent (or working towards)·        Basic Food Hygiene Qualification (L2)·        Be flexible to work within the needs of the business, as well providing support to your colleagues when asked, but still looking out for your wellbeing, balancing work and your personal life And any other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the scope of the post, as requested by Management. Closing Date: Monday 09th September 2024Interview Date: Tuesday 17th September 2024N.B. BPL reserves the right to close for applications earlier than the advertised closing dateDue to the high volume of applications BPL receives we are unable to send acknowledgement letters to each applicant. Therefore, if you have not received any correspondence by Monday 23rd September 2024 you should assume that on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful. 

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