Kitchen Steward (fulltime)

The Merrion, one of Dublin’s finest luxury hotels, and a certified 'Great Place to Work', is now recruiting for a Kitchen Steward.  Centrally located in Dublin within easy reach of public transport, this role will offer you the opportunity to work in a beautiful hotel where the highest of standards are in place and where you have all the tools you need to do your job. Working alongside an experienced team, you will be offered plenty of training. This is a really rewarding role on a team where you can be assured of a warm welcome!  Your role as Kitchen Steward will include: Prepare sufficient mise-en-place for the kitchenWash and store all cutlery, crockery and kitchen utensils to the hotel standardClean down all parts of the kitchen as part of daily and deep clean schedulesFollow instructions on the cleaning, preparation and emptying of the dishwashersAdhere to all COSHH regulations as per training, regarding the use and storage of cleaning detergents / chemicals.Store kitchen supplies to HACCP standard    Working hours are 8 hours per day 5 days per week. Shifts are early, middle or late. Weekend work is required.The successful candidate will be a fast paced worker who will work well with others, have great multi-tasking skills, communication skills, great spoken and written English and enjoy contributing in a positive way to The Merrion Culture. Flexibility in response to guest and business needs is required, no two days are the same! Our belief is that the success of The Merrion Hotel depends on the commitment of each member of our Team. The hospitality & service we provide to our guests must be the very best at all times, and in recognition of this, you will enjoy our excellent benefits which include:Free English classesExcellent classroom and online training for all rolesCompetitive pay ratesFree hot meals on dutyFree cleaning of company provided uniforms.Birthday gifts and Service AwardsSubsidised taxi travel: we contribute up to €20 of your taxi fare for travel to or from work outside usual public transport times. Travel and Bike to Work – Tax saving Schemes, discounted parking in the city. Safe scooter and bike parking facilitiesHealth and Dental Insurance payments Contributory Pension Plan from the day you start work, including Death in Service benefit.Increased holiday entitlement with length of serviceRecommend a Friend scheme: bonus paid to you for recruiting a friend or colleague to join The Merrion team.Employee Discounts for room nights, our Garden Room Restaurant and Cellar Bar for you and your family/ friends Free Employee Assistance Programme – free professional counselling and support on everything from anxiety to parenting to exam stress - for you and all your family members. About The Merrion The Merrion, a member of the prestigious Leading Hotels of the World, is located opposite Government Buildings in the heart of the city centre. Created from 4 Georgian Townhouses, the 142 bedroom and suites are arranged around two 18th Century style gardens. If you feel this is the role and Company for you, please apply online with your CV & cover letter detailing what you can bring to us at The Merrion.

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