Kitchen Porter/ Wimbledon

Job descriptionLocation: SW19 8ED, Gresham Way, LondonBayley & Sage is growing, and we currently have an opportunity for a Kitchen Porter to join our Central Production team in South West London.About the roleThis role will require an exceptional level of attention to detail as your work will have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Our aim is to surprise and delight Bayley & Sage customers through the continuous excellence of our delicious products.Duties and ResponsibilitiesCleaning and sterilising countertops, kitchen walls, stoves, ovens, grills and sinksCleaning the entire kitchen once it is closed to ensure it is ready for the next dayMaintaining the food storage areas like freezers and refrigeratorsReceiving deliveries and organising them in the kitchenWashing dirty dishes like cutlery, pots, cutting boards and pans or loading dishes into the dishwasherRemoving kitchen waste from waste containers and disposing of them properlyCleaning and maintaining cooking equipment like cookers, pots and food mixersSupporting the Chef in basic food preparation like cutting ingredients, peeling and washing food itemsProviding assistance to Prep Cooks and other kitchen staff, as neededAbout youYou will be a hard worker with a passion for food who can contribute a positive attitude within the kitchen team. You will have some experience in a similar role, or you will have worked in a fast-paced environment before. You will be looking for a full-time role in a company which offers opportunities for career progression. You take pride in your work and feel a sense of achievement at a job well done.What we offerCompetitive paySociable hours40% staff discount in-storeOn site parkingMeals on dutyJob Types: Full-time, PermanentSalary: £11.45/h

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