Kitchen Porter (The Crown, Minchinhampton)

We have an exciting opportunity to join the team at The Crown, Minchinhampton. We are looking for a reliable and committed Kitchen Porter to join us at our beautiful Cotswold Inn.Raised & rooted in the Cotswold, The Lucky Onion is where urban sophistication meets local, countryside culture. As purveyors of lifestyle experience and events, you're guaranteed to discover something you weren't looking for.The Lucky Onion have a passion for high quality, seasonal foods and provenance; delivering exceptional, inspired dishes and menu selections. No previous experience is necessary but a desire to work in a busy, creative, dynamic kitchen is important.In return:Share of Tronc50% team discount in TLO propertiesMonthly team incentivesRegular group-wide team eventsContributory pension schemeChildcare voucher schemeRefer a friend reward schemeContinual trainingOpportunity of progressionIf you are interested in working with an award winning company and a friendly, fun and professional team who are passionate about good food and drink; we would be delighted to hear from you and look forward to receiving your CV, detailing your skills and experience.Due to the nature of this variable hours role flexibility will be important. Access to personal transport also required due to remote location.

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