Kitchen Porter / Catering Assistant

Rathsallagh House, is looking for Kitchen assistants and or Kitchen porters.The Restaurant at Rathsallagh is open in the evenings to the public on average 25 to 35 days a year. We also open to the public for Sunday Lunch on average twice a month. These openings are strictly by reservation only and numbers are restricted. The idea being that we want a stress free and relaxed kitchen with no unpleasant surprises. Hours are Mainly Thursdays to Sundays inclusive.The job involves washing of cutlery, delph, glasses etc., also washing of pots ,pans and cleaning of the floor, equipment etc in the kitchen. Hours mainly Thursday, Friday,. Saturday, Sunday. Day and evening shifts are available and are flexible. So if you would like to be To be part of an Award Winning team please do contact us now. Please do note there is no public transport in our area. To work in Rathsallagh you need to have your own private form of transport.  To note we are unable to provide accommodation on site. 

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