Kitchen Porter

The Hotel Services department in the Galway Clinic is recruiting for a Kitchen Porter. This is a temporary 12 month role. Primary Duties and Responsibilities: To ensure all crockery, cutlery, kitchen utensils are washed and stored correctly.To participate in deep cleaning.To practice safe chemical handling and storage techniques.To ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and to report any maintenance issues.To perform opening and closing duties in the kitchen.To be responsible for a safe working environmentTo work in a timely fashion to ensure smooth running of department.To ensure good working hygiene practices including hand hygiene.To work co operatively with fellow colleagues, practicing team spirit and contributing to the smooth operation of the Hotel Services Department.To attend training courses and meetings as required. To comply with the Galway Clinic regulations regarding to: Fire, Health & Safety, Hand Hygiene, Infection Control, Security & Patient Confidentiality.The Candidate: Previous experience desirableConversational EnglishTeam PlayerProfessional approach to work Closing date for receipt of applications: April 14th 2024 at 4.30pm Blackrock Health at the Galway Clinic is an equal opportunities employer. 

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