Kitchen Porter

Overall Job PurposeTo maintain a high level of operational hygiene in all kitchen areas in compliance with Hotel and hygiene regulationsAreas of responsibility: a) pot wash b) pot/pan storage areas c) Kitchen/larder areas and surrounds d) Rubbish skip areas  e) Hygiene in kitchen and storage areas  f) wash up area g)staffing areasNo jewellery to be worn except for wedding bandCarry out cleaning duties as outlined in the cleaning schedule and complete daily/weekly cleaning checklists for all cleaning tasks performed.Cleaning of pots, pans, equipment etc as required and ensure they are stored correctly and neatly.Emptying of bins when full or as requested.Thorough deep cleaning as per schedule of kitchen/larder areas, equipment and storage areas.Maintain storage area for mops, brushes, detergents.Wear relevant protective clothing provided when handling hazardous materials.Report damaged/defective equipment to senior chef on duty.To carry out our customer relations policy ensuring that we maintain 4 Star standards at all times.To adhere to all Fire, Safety and Hygiene regulations and to comply with the Health and Safety at work act 2005.To report and where possible take action on incidents of accidents or damage in the Hotel.To familiarise and adhere to Company Policies and procedures as outlined in your staff handbook.To ensure that necessary steps are taken to safeguard Company money, goods and assets.To report any customer comments to Management.

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