Kitchen Porter

The Heritage offers a sophisticated elegance with impeccable hospitality set in wonderful un-spoilt Laois countryside. It comprises of a luxury world class Hotel and European Award Winning Spa. The Heritage also offers guests a number of on site activities such as our Health Club with Leisure Pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna and Steam rooms, 5km Walking Track and Cinema.We are currently looking to hire a Kitchen Porter to join our existing Kitchen team.Main Responsibilities include:Ensure kitchen is neat & tidy at all timesCarry out basic cleaning tasks as efficient as possibleCollecting & washing up of kitchen suppliesCleaning crockery & cutleryEnsure food prep sites are clean & readyMake sure work surfaces, floors and walls are always clean and sanitisedFollow all kitchen SOPsAttend all scheduled training Ad hoc kitchen dutiesThe Heritage ‘Core Values’Our Core Values are the essence of what we stand for as a company and it is our vision to instill a people focused culture within the hotel. These 5 core values give The Heritage a framework for leadership and set the foundations for our employees to grow and prosper in their roles with usThink about the guestBe RespectfulWork as oneBe the BestOwn it and deliver it Why work for The Heritage, part of FBD HotelsDiscounted rates in other FBD propertiesHealth Club membershipRefer a Friend incentivesLearning and development opportunities.Employee Assistance Programme.Strong team focus and team atmosphere.Meals and uniform are provided.Free parking onsiteIf you believe that you have the experience that we have outlined above, please send your CV for consideration for this role

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