Kitchen Porter

Avoca operates in 14 locations across the country. After all this time, the ethos of Avoca remains the same. We cherish our time-honoured traditions, which have been lovingly passed down through several generations. Our skills might be steeped in a long and rich tradition, but our attitude is to look to the future. We are now heralded as one of Ireland’s most exciting retail stores, with a host of award-winning cafes, restaurants and food markets crammed with artisanal ingredients from near and far.Kitchen PorterJob Description The role of Kitchen Porter is a vital part of our kitchen teams and supports the wider team in the smooth operation or our busy kitchens. Role and ResponsibilitiesWashing all cookware, utensils, cutlery etc. in a timely manner and ensuring that all items are cleaned and ready for the next shift.Keeping all kitchen work spaces, floors, shelving, and counter tops at a high level of cleanliness and sanitisation.Keeping food storage areas, fridges and dry stores clean and organized, following HACCP guidelines and a regular cleaning schedule.Using dishwashing machinery and cleaning chemicals correctly and in line with training.Food Preparation including chopping vegetables or helping chefs set up the kitchen for the following day.Wearing appropriate clothing/footwear and adhering to high standards of personal hygiene. Competencies Cleanliness/Organization – cleanliness is the most important aspect of this role. Kitchen Porters should adhere to high standards of cleanliness in all areas of the kitchen and use correct organization methods in food storage areas.Timekeeping – Adhere to the sick leave policy and absence policies, using correct notification methods (to a direct supervisor). Holidays should be pre-approved before booking.Teamwork - Working as part of the kitchen team to ensure the smooth running of the day-to-day operation.Flexibility – The nature of the business is dependent on customer service which requires certain aspects of flexibility such as roster changes, cover on days that are short-staffed that may be in different areas of the kitchen other than your normal day-to-day role. Every effort shall be made to notify employees of this in sufficient time beforehand.Why work with us?We're always on the lookout for like-minded folks to join our merry band of men and women. So, apart from coming to work with your amazing teammates every day, we also offer the following benefits: Pension SchemeProfessional DevelopmentEmployee Assistance ProgrammeEmployee Share Purchase PlanEmployee Referral BonusFamily Friendly PoliciesLife Assurance BenefitCycle To Work SchemeHealth & Wellness Programmes

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