Kitchen Porter

We are currently looking for a Kitchen Porter to join the Kitchen team of a new venue due to open shortly. The main purpose of the role is the cleaning of equipment, crockery and cutlery and the maintenance of a clean environment and for the production of the food in accordance with good hygiene/health and safety practicesKey responsibilities:Wash pots and dishesWill use and clean the waste areaClean hot and cold unitsComplete general cleaning dutiesRequisition cleaning products and materials as requiredManage the kitchen clothsMaintain the food delivery and storage areasThe safe and proper use of such cleaning materialsPromote positive image to guests and fellow staff through professional conduct & proper presentation of uniform when on dutyThe ideal candidate:Experience in a similar role is preferableMust be available to work morning shiftsIs available to work up to full time hours if requiredIs passionate about maintaining high standards of cleanlinessAbility to work on own initiative but also with a teamMust be available to work up to full time hours

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